Australian Public Access Network Association Inc
                           ARBN 081 355 722
                            VRN A0026600C

                Minutes of 1999 Annual General Meeting

             Held at Perth Zoo Education Centre (Theatre)
                         12 Labouchere Road
                      South Perth   WA   6151

                          11 September 1999

(Minutes were taken by Dean Hollister, meeting was chaired by Garry Ford)

1. Open Meeting

        The Chair declared the meeting was opened at 13:07 AWST.

2. Attendances

        23 Members Present:

        Childs, John                    Treasurer
        Ford, Garry                     Secretary

        Geier, Matthew                  ICR

        Baarda, Donovan                 Melbourne
        Newnham, John                    Melbourne
        O'Rorke, Andrew                 Melbourne

        Bull, Martin                    SA
        Edwards, Dave                   SA

        Canion, Andrew                  Perth
        Connolly, Paul                  Perth
        Cooper, Tony                    Perth
        Craig, Rex                      Perth
        De Luna, Pepito                 Perth
        Dowson, Peter                   Perth
        Hollister, Dean                 Perth
        Korculanic, David               Perth
        Kuek, Chris                     Perth
        Malcolm, Jeremy                 Perth
        Roullo, Alexander               Perth
        Scott, Brian                    Perth
        Taylor, David                   Perth
        Turner, Joe                     Perth
        Williams, Terry                 Perth

3. Apologies

        1 Apology received:

        Pulsford, Robert                Sydney

        132 Proxies received:

        Bruce, Stephen                  ACT
        Cadman, Greg                    ACT
        Jarret, Glen                    ACT
        MacIntyre, Andrew               ACT

        Aitken, Leon                    Brisbane
        Ault, Graeme                    Brisbane
        Bennett, Crispin                Brisbane
        Crisp, Gregory                  Brisbane
        Harvey, Ken                     Brisbane
        Love, Damien                    Brisbane
        Lucas, Helen                    Brisbane
        Muspratt, Neil                  Brisbane
        Oliver, Michael                 Brisbane
        Richardson, Gary                Brisbane
        Wilson, Barry                   Brisbane
        Wilson, Bruce                   Brisbane
        Wilson, Jeremy                  Brisbane

        Baird, Carolyn                  Hunter
        Baird, Chris                    Hunter
        Beeton, Allan                   Hunter
        Condon, Gavin                   Hunter
        Garner, David                   Hunter
        Glazebrook, Andrew              Hunter
        Pickering, Craig                Hunter
        Walters, Marc                   Hunter

        Fisher, John                    ICR
        Fluher, Mirko                   ICR
        Martin, Andrew                  ICR

        Ahlberg, Lance                  Melbourne
        Anderson, Kathryn               Melbourne
        Cogdon, Chris                   Melbourne
        Copeland, Frank                 Melbourne
        Crofts, David                   Melbourne
        Evans, Cinnamon                 Melbourne
        Gibson, Christopher             Melbourne
        Griffiths, Jason                Melbourne
        Hays, Gregory                   Melbourne
        Holmes, Dougal                  Melbourne
        James, Patrick                  Melbourne
        Kaufman, Susie                  Melbourne
        Keith-Storey, Andrew            Melbourne
        Littler, John*                  Melbourne
        Long, Peter                     Melbourne
        May, Brian                      Melbourne
        Neilson, Alex                   Melbourne
        Neville, Scott                  Melbourne
        Nikic, Adam                     Melbourne
        O'Seaghdha, Sean                Melbourne
        Palmer, Ted                     Melbourne
        Parsons, Edwin                  Melbourne
        Parsons, Tamara                 Melbourne
        Pedini, Eddie                   Melbourne
        Pesudovs, Linda                 Melbourne
        Sell, Anthony                   Melbourne
        Symons, David                   Melbourne
        Van Dinteren, Johannes          Melbourne
        Watkins, Jillian                Melbourne
        Wierenga, Matthew               Melbourne
        Willie, James                   Melbourne
        Willington, John                Melbourne
        Yeomans, Eric                   Melbourne
        Zichy-Woinarski, Casimir        Melbourne

        Brook, Donald                   Perth
        Chin, Terrence                  Perth
        Chisholm, David                 Perth
        Day, Michael                    Perth
        El Karakizi, Moussa             Perth
        Hollister, Andrew               Perth
        Hunter, Robert                  Perth
        Komlos, Leslie                  Perth
        Kuek, Christopher               Perth
        Leigh, Eric                     Perth
        Machin, Michael                 Perth
        McKeown, Peter                  Perth
        Ramsden, Mark                   Perth
        Reader, Geoff                   Perth
        Sheridan, Lutie                 Perth
        Swaminathan, Suvendra           Perth

        Abel, Sean                      S.A.
        Barnet, Dorian                  S.A.
        Bazeley, Tony                   S.A.
        Bell, David                     S.A.
        Braddock, Jonathon              S.A.
        Braddock, Reginald              S.A.
        Brockbank, Peter                S.A.
        Burchardt, Fred                 S.A.
        Clarkson, Kerry                 S.A.
        Connerty, Peter                 S.A.
        Crosby, Arthur                  S.A.
        Dennis, Frances                 S.A.
        Devine, Toni                    S.A.
        Doyle, Michael                  S.A.
        Finnis, Anthony                 S.A.
        Fraser, Steven                  S.A.
        Hales, David                    S.A.
        Jones, Darren                   S.A.
        Judd, Michael                   S.A.
        Legg, Bill                      S.A.
        Little, Mark                    S.A.
        McMahon, Bradley                S.A.
        Menzo, Roma                     S.A.
        Merrett, Kerrie                 S.A.
        O'Leary, Maxine                 S.A.
        Psorakis, George                S.A.
        Rasmussen, Erik                 S.A.
        Roberts, Simon                  S.A.
        Robinson, Stella                S.A.
        Rolan, Egon                     S.A.
        Schultz, John                   S.A.
        Smith, Terence                  S.A.
        Thomas, Arthur                  S.A.
        Thornley, Glen                  S.A.

        Alderton, Shane                 Sydney
        Butler, Ian                     Sydney
        Butler, Malcolm                 Sydney
        Chambers, Robert                Sydney
        Hosking, Peter                  Sydney
        Jackson, Matthew                Sydney
        Lyons, Adrian                   Sydney
        Turner, Roland                  Sydney

        Basaraner, Ali                  Wollongong
        Boyd-Jones, Alan                Wollongong
        Castles, Robert                 Wollongong
        Hitchcock, Ben                  Wollongong
        Holt, Sandra                    Wollongong
        Hope, Donald                    Wollongong
        Lang, Junko                     Wollongong
        Martin, Sue                     Wollongong
        Moir, Sid                       Wollongong
        Moutrie, Anne                   Wollongong
        Ochalski, Val                   Wollongong
        Roughsedge, Chris               Wollongong

        *Note:  A Proxy from John Littler was received. However he had
                not been accepted as a member at the MC Meeting of 18
                August, as is required by the Rules, as his membership
                application came in after that date. The Meeting
                agreed to accept his proxy. 

4. Credential Report by Secretary

        Standing orders were presented. It was proposed they be
        accepted for the meeting. Moved: Dean Hollister,
        Seconded: Jeremy Malcolm. Carried unanimously by show of hands.

5. Adoption of the Minutes of 1998 Annual General Meeting

        The minutes were presented to the meeting. It was moved they be
        adopted. Moved: Dave Edwards, Seconded: Matthew Geier. Carried
        unanimously by show of hands.

6. Business arising from Minutes of 1998 Annual General Meeting

        6.1 Tenth Anniversary Celebrations - John Fisher

                This item is deferred to the 2000 Annual General Meeting.

7. Adoption of the Minutes of the 1998 Special General Meeting

        The minutes were presented to the meeting. It was moved they be
        adopted. Moved: John Childs, Seconded: Donovan Baarda. Carried
        unanimously by show of hands.

8. Business arising from the Minutes of the 1998 Special General Meeting

        8.1 Changes to rules ratified by Victorian Office of Fair
         Trading and Consumer Affairs and Australian Securities
         and Investments Commission.

                The Change to Rules have been lodged with both regulatory
                bodies and ratified. Item closed.

9. Correspondence to the Annual General Meeting


                5.1 Proxy Votes: 132 proxies received


                5.2 Notice of Meeting

10. Annual Report

        The Annual Report was presented to the meeting. It was moved the
        report be adopted. Moved: John Childs, Seconded: Tony Cooper.
        Carried unanimously by show of hands.

11. Business Arising from Annual Report

        The Treasurer advised that the introduction of the GST (Goods and
        Services Tax) will have an impact on the cash flow of all Regions.
        This impact will only be a once-off occurrance from September.

        No other business.

12. Election of Office Bearers

        (Jeremy Malcolm took the chair for this item)

        Position        Candidate       Nominator       Seconder

        Treasurer       John Childs     Dave Edwards    Ed Parsons

        As there was only one candidate for this position, the Chair
        declared John Childs elected to the position of Treasurer

        Position        Candidate       Nominator       Seconder

        President       Donovan Baarda  Andrew O'Rorke  Dave Keller
                        Garry Ford      Gary Richardson Dean Hollister

        Secretary       Dean Hollister  Jeremy Malcolm  Paul Connolly
                        Andrew O'Rorke  Ed Parsons      Tamara Parsons

        As there was a surplus of candidates for the positions of
        President and Secretary, a vote was conducted by secret ballot.

        Pending the results of the elections the agenda was proceded

13. Election of Honorary Members

        (Garry Ford resumed the Chair for the remaining Items)

        Candidate               Nominator               Seconder

        Mirko Fluher (405)      Gary Richardson         Dean Hollister
        Phil Homewood (473)     Gary Richardson         Dean Hollister

        Election conducted by show of hands and reading out of proxies.

        Mirko Fluher    In favour:      126
                        Against:         28
                        Abstain:          1

        Mirko Fluher was declared elected as an Honorary Member.

        Phil Homewood   In favour:      111
                        Against:         43
                        Abstain:          1

        Phil Homewood was declared elected as an Honorary Member.

12.     Election of Office Bearers (Continued)

        The Annual General Meeting was adjourned at 14:20 AWST, to
        allow votes to be counted and results determined.

        The Annual General Meeting was recommenced at 14:32 AWST.

        There were 155 votes in total for each candidate.

        Position        Candidate       Votes

        President       Donovan Baarda   22
                        Garry Ford      130

        The Chair declared Garry Ford elected to the position of

        Position        Candidate       Votes

        Secretary       Dean Hollister  120
                        Andrew O'Rorke   32

        The Chair declared Dean Hollister elected to the position
        of Secretary.

        It was observed that not all possible votes had been cast.
        Accordingly, it was moved the results be accepted by the meeting.
        Moved: Paul Connolly, Seconded: Tony Cooper. Carried unanimously
        by show of hands.

 14. Meeting Close

        The Chair declared the meeting closed at 14:34 AWST.

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