Australian Public Access Network Association Incorporated

ARBN 081 355 722 VRN A0026600C

œMinutes of 1998 Special General Meeting to Amend Rule 16

The Special General Meeting to amend Rule 16 was held on Saturday 1 August 1998 following the 1998 Annual General Meeting, in the rear meeting room, Floor 1,Ross House,247-251 Flinders Lane Melbourne.

The meeting was chaired by Mark Purcell and these minutes were taken by George Hansper.

1. Welcome

The meeting was opened by the chairman, Mark Purcell, at 2.16 p.m. AEST.

Mark welcomed all those present to the meeting.

2. Credentials Report:


Mark Purcell (Sydney), Larry Adams, Keith Andrew (ACT), John August (Sydney), Donovan Baarda, Steve Bruce, Robin Buckley (ACT), Martin Bull (SA), John Clark, Chris Cogdon, Frank Copeland, Dave Edwards (SA), William Eggers, Mirko Fluher, Paul Fyfe, George Hansper, Brian Havard, Jamie Leneham, Richard Lindner, Andrew Martin, Luke Mitchell, Scott Neville, John Newnham, Geoff O'Callaghan, Stephen Oxley, Ed Parsons, John Rooney, Neil Simmonds, Terry Smith (SA), Peter Warren (ACT), David Wicks, John Childs (SA), Garry Ford (Brisbane), and John Fisher.

(All with no region shown come from Melbourne.)

A total of34 financial members were in attendance.


Sebastian Filzek, Jean Fisher, Marta Fluher, Benno Rentinck.



The following proxies were received:

Hilton Brown (Sydney), Emanuel Dwawena (Sydney), Dean Hollister (Perth), Bruce King (Northern Wollongong), Helen Lucas (Brisbane), Joel Moir (Northern Wollongong) and Egon Rolan (SA).

A total of seven valid proxies were received.

Invalid proxies:

Valerie Franks (Sydney) submitted a proxy but was unfinancial at the time.

Incorrect format proxies:

Michael Brown (Sydney), Beverley Moyle (ACT), Peter Moyle (ACT), Patrick Lam, Sandra Williams (Brisbane) and Warren Williams (Brisbane).

A total of 41 financial members were entitled to vote.

3. Special Business:

This meeting was called in response to a proposal to amend the Rules of APANA in accordance with Rule 47.

The proposal was to amend Rule 16 (1) as follows:

16.(1) A regional committee shall consist of:

a. a regional co-ordinator

b. a deputy regional co-ordinator

c. from two to four other members

each of whom shall be elected at the annual regional meeting in each year.

(The Change is in c. where the numbers of members permitted is increased from two to a maximum of four.)

It was moved by Edwin Parsons and seconded by Larry Adams that Rule 16 be amended in the form circulated above.

The motion was carried unanimously.

4. Meeting Close:

The meeting was closed at 2:25 p.m. AEST, Saturday 1st August 1998 following which an informal discussion on the Acceptable Use Policy followed. This discussion was based upon the notion of changing the policy in relation to commercial use. 

No decisions were made.

Garry R. Ford

National Secretary


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