Australian Public Access Network Association Inc.
ARBN 081 355 722

                                             [ 21/4/94  djk ]

This document offers some suggestions for allocating subnets on a
Class C to be used within the APANA® Network(tm), whether it is to be IP
connected to other APANA MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks) or not.

The intended audience is network administrators setting up a new
APANA IP MAN, since it is believed that the people looking after
the established APANA MANs in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide have
already been through this exercise and found their own solutions.

Please note that this document describes the way that APANA IP
Networks(tm) are configured CURRENTLY.  There is active research going
on into how to make more efficient use of address space.

And of course, if your hardware/software allows you to avoid 
having to allocate a subnet for each point-to-point link and/or
variable subnet masks, you should take advantage of this!

IP (Internet Protocol) addresses look something like this:

         0000 0000 0011 1111 1111 2222 2222 2233
         0123 4567 8901 2345 6789 0123 4567 8901
        |xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx|
           \                       /    /    /
            +-- Class C network --+    /    /
    Subnet number --------------------+    /
                        Host number part -+

Each 'x' represents a "bit" (BInary digiT) in the IP address.

The bits labelled 'N' comprise the Class C Network Number, as allocated
by the APANA Network(tm) Number Co-ordinator,
This is essentially a fixed quantity, and should not by used by any
hosts anywhere in the global Internet other than the ones on your MAN.

Outside APANA (in fact, outside your MAN), that Class C network number
is treated as a single entity for routing purposes.  (In fact, it may
be aggregated with other adjacent APANA Class C network numbers by
core Internet routers in the USA which use CIDR.)  If The Internet ever
saw the same Class C net being used from two different places, chaos
would ensue.

The bits labelled 'S' make up the subnet number.  It is assumed to be
your job to allocate this.  If SSSS is "all 0's" (ie: each 'S' bit is
equal to '0'), then this represents the network as a whole rather than
an individual subnet.  Similarly, SSSS all 1's indicates a network-wide
broadcast (across the MAN).

The bits labelled 'H' are allocated to individual hosts on a given
subnet.  Normally this will be done by the person who controls the
subnet; if the subnet is used for point-to-point routing by a router
then the administrator of the router will generally assign the host
addresses within the subnet.  If the subnet is for an Ethernet (LAN)
in a member's home, then that member can allocate host numbers on it.

The example IP address shown has a subnet mask of 0xfffffff0 or  The subnetting scheme could be called something
like 24+4/4 (24 bits of "N", 4 bits of "S", 4 bits of "H").

However, the subnet mask which is more commonly used in APANA(tm) is
24+5/3 (0xfffffff8;; 5 subnet bits, 3 host bits).
This allows up to 6 hosts on an individual subnet before things
start getting complicated, which seems like a reasonable amount.

Here is an outline of the conventional approach for a smallish MAN:

    HEX     NET   BCAST     MIN     MAX
      0       0       7       1       6         RESERVED (all 0's)
      8       8      15       9      14
     10      16      23      17      22
     18      24      31      25      30
     20      32      39      33      38         Ether #1
     28      40      47      41      46
     30      48      55      49      54
     38      56      63      57      62
     40      64      71      65      70         Ether #2
     48      72      79      73      78
     50      80      87      81      86
     58      88      95      89      94
     60      96     103      97     102         Ether #3
     68     104     111     105     110
     70     112     119     113     118
     78     120     127     121     126
     80     128     135     129     134         Slip #4
     88     136     143     137     142
     90     144     151     145     150
     98     152     159     153     158
     a0     160     167     161     166         Slip #3
     a8     168     175     169     174
     b0     176     183     177     182
     b8     184     191     185     190
     c0     192     199     193     198         Slip #2
     c8     200     207     201     206
     d0     208     215     209     214
     d8     216     223     217     222
     e0     224     231     225     230         Slip #1
     e8     232     239     233     238
     f0     240     247     241     246
     f8     248     255     249     254         RESERVED (all 1's)

Notes: the first column gives the subnet address in hexadecimal
(for no particular reason).  The second gives the base address of
the subnet.  Because this IP address has a host part of 0 (all 0's)

If this MAN then grows so that it no longer fits in the above
scheme, then the following extension could be used.  Or, if the
initial network will not fit in the previous table then this
scheme can be used initially, although the numerical sequence 
of the subnets would probably be different (eg: 16=="Ether #1",
32=="Ether #2"), because there is no backwards compatibility.

    HEX     NET   BCAST     MIN     MAX
      0       0       7       1       6         RESERVED (all 0's)
      8       8      15       9      14
     10      16      23      17      22         Ether #4
     18      24      31      25      30
     20      32      39      33      38         Ether #1
     28      40      47      41      46
     30      48      55      49      54         Ether #5
     38      56      63      57      62
     40      64      71      65      70         Ether #2
     48      72      79      73      78
     50      80      87      81      86         Ether #6
     58      88      95      89      94
     60      96     103      97     102         Ether #3
     68     104     111     105     110
     70     112     119     113     118         Ether #7
     78     120     127     121     126
     80     128     135     129     134         Slip #4
     88     136     143     137     142
     90     144     151     145     150         Slip #8
     98     152     159     153     158
     a0     160     167     161     166         Slip #3
     a8     168     175     169     174
     b0     176     183     177     182         Slip #7
     b8     184     191     185     190
     c0     192     199     193     198         Slip #2
     c8     200     207     201     206
     d0     208     215     209     214         Slip #6
     d8     216     223     217     222
     e0     224     231     225     230         Slip #1
     e8     232     239     233     238
     f0     240     247     241     246         Slip #5
     f8     248     255     249     254         RESERVED (all 1's)

If that runs out as well (or wasn't enough in the first place!)...

    HEX     NET   BCAST     MIN     MAX
      0       0       7       1       6         RESERVED (all 0's)
      8       8      15       9      14         Ether #8
     10      16      23      17      22         Ether #4
     18      24      31      25      30         Ether #9
     20      32      39      33      38         Ether #1
     28      40      47      41      46         Ether #10
     30      48      55      49      54         Ether #5
     38      56      63      57      62         Ether #11
     40      64      71      65      70         Ether #2
     48      72      79      73      78         Ether #12
     50      80      87      81      86         Ether #6
     58      88      95      89      94         Ether #13
     60      96     103      97     102         Ether #3
     68     104     111     105     110         Ether #14
     70     112     119     113     118         Ether #7
     78     120     127     121     126         Ether #15
     80     128     135     129     134         Slip #4
     88     136     143     137     142         Slip #15
     90     144     151     145     150         Slip #8
     98     152     159     153     158         Slip #14
     a0     160     167     161     166         Slip #3
     a8     168     175     169     174         Slip #13
     b0     176     183     177     182         Slip #7
     b8     184     191     185     190         Slip #12
     c0     192     199     193     198         Slip #2
     c8     200     207     201     206         Slip #11
     d0     208     215     209     214         Slip #6
     d8     216     223     217     222         Slip #10
     e0     224     231     225     230         Slip #1
     e8     232     239     233     238         Slip #9
     f0     240     247     241     246         Slip #5
     f8     248     255     249     254         RESERVED (all 1's)

The way this would normally work would look something like this:

                          HOST A
                            | (Slip #1)                   |--- HOST B
                            |                             | 
                        +-------+                         |
     HOST I ------------| RTR X |---------------- RTR Y --+ (Ether #1)
             (Slip #4)  +-------+   (Slip #2)             |
                            |                             |
                            | (Slip #3)                   |--- HOST C
                HOST D    RTR Z
                  |         |   (Ether #2)
          |             |            |            |
        HOST E        HOST F       HOST G       HOST H

Slip #1         224             X=225, A=226
Slip #2         192             X=193, Y=194
Slip #3         160             X=161, Z=162
Slip #4         128             X=129, I=130

Ether #1        32              Y=33, B=34, C=35
Ether #2        64              Z=65, D=66, E=67, F=68, G=69, H=70

For example, if you have been assigned Class C net, (note:
all addresses allocated within Australia these days start with 203)
then the full addresses would be something like


You should also co-ordinate with, so that
these addresses can be into the DNS.

 David Keegel

APANA: a network community, not just a personal mail/news/slip feed.

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